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石龙宇  杜玫  刘玲玉 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5200-5210
全球气候变化和城市化背景下城市生态环境问题越发凸显,面对日趋紧张的土地资源现状,垂直绿化建设成为重要的城市绿地补充手段,对改善城市环境具有重要意义。垂直绿化具有多种生态效益,且其效益发挥受到多因素共同影响。如何统筹协调生态效益和影响因素之间的复杂关系,以使其综合生态效益最大化,是当前垂直绿化建设亟待解决的科学问题之一。基于文献综述法归纳了不同生态效益的机制及其关键影响因素,并对多效益和多影响因素进行了综合分析。结果表明,垂直绿化具有缓解城市热岛、建筑节能减排、固碳、净化空气、降噪、截留雨水和支持生物多样性等七种主要生态效益,并受到植被特征、设施结构特征、气象条件、空间格局等多方面因素的共同影响。基于对效益和影响因素的综合分析,进一步提出了两点规划思路:首先,关注环境需求和效益供给的耦合关系能够更加科学合理地指导区域垂直绿化建设布局。其次,关注生态效益间的关系,以区域关键生态环境问题为导向进行效益权衡并结合考虑其影响因素的重要性程度能为规划设计提供有效建议。  相似文献   
Translocations are a common management practice to restore or augment populations. Understanding the genetic consequences of translocation efforts is important for the long-term health of restored populations. The restoration of elk (Cervus canadensis) to Kentucky, USA, included source stocks from 6 western states, which were released at 8 sites in southeastern Kentucky during 1997–2002. We assessed genetic diversity in restored herds and compared genetic similarity to source stocks based on 15 microsatellite DNA loci. Genetic variation in the restored populations was comparable to source stocks ( allelic richness = 3.52 and 3.50; expected heterozygosity = 0.665 and 0.661 for restored and source, respectively). Genetic differentiation among all source and restored populations ranged from 0.000 to 0.065 for pairwise FST and 0.034 to 0.161 for pairwise Nei's DA. Pairwise genetic differentiation and Bayesian clustering revealed that stocks from Utah and North Dakota, USA, contributed most to restored populations. Other western stocks appeared less successful and were not detected with our data, though our sampling was not exhaustive. We also inferred natural movements of elk among release sites by the presence of multiple genetic stocks. The success of the elk restoration effort in Kentucky may be due, in part, to the large number of elk (n = 1,548), repeated releases, and use of diverse source stocks. Future restoration efforts for elk in the eastern United States should consider the use of multiple stock sources and a large number of individuals. In addition, preservation of genetic samples of founder stock will enable detailed monitoring in the future. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The hydrology of the Loosdrecht lakes area   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Based on the literature, we had predicted that the diversification within the Neotropical snake genus Bothrops occurred along a latitudinal gradient from north to south, with diversification into unoccupied niches through ecological opportunity, not correlated with geoclimatic events. Using a dated phylogeny and estimating likelihoods of ancestral states at cladogenesis events, we reconstructed ancestral areas and assessed major events of the diversification of Bothrops clades, and we also discuss systematic implications for this group. Based on the phylogeny we produced, B. lojanus was not considered as part of the genus Bothrops since the results recovered this species nested within the Bothrocophias clade. We infer that the diversification of the Miocene Bothrops pictus and Bothrops alternatus clades may be related to the uplift of the western slopes of the Andes and the Argentinian Patagonian Andes, respectively. The Pliocene Bothrops taeniatus and Bothrops osbornei clades may be related to the uplift of the eastern and northern Andes, respectively. The Plio-Pleistocene Bothrops neuwiedi clade may be related to the habitat transitions from a warmer and forested environment to a cooler and open landscape; the Bothrops jararaca (i.e. island endemic species) and Bothrops lanceolatus clades to over-water dispersal with island speciation; and Bothrops atrox clade to the appearance of the Panamanian land bridge. We found that a multitemporal and multidirectional history of diversification may be correlated with geoclimatic and dispersalist events. We argue that the vacant niche hypothesis by itself does not explain Bothrops diversification.  相似文献   
罗珂  田立涛  何豫  王少剑 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7352-7365
以Web of Science核心合集中1999-2020年期间发表的城市空间结构与生态环境关联性的文献为研究样本,运用文献计量的方法,主要借助VOSviewer和Citespace软件,厘清该领域研究的主要特征与进展。研究结果表明:城市空间结构与生态环境关联性研究的文献总量上呈现波动上升的趋势,尤其在近五年的波动骤增态势十分显著,成为地理学、城乡规划学、环境与生态学等学科交叉融合研究的重要方向之一;研究内容主要聚焦于城市空间结构与大气环境的关联性机理,具体涉及温室气体排放、空气污染和城市热岛效应,同时水环境、土壤环境以及生物多样性等方面也越来越受到重视而逐步成为研究热点。未来可围绕构建两者关联性框架和评估体系、面向生态环境问题的城市空间结构优化设计、两者发展变化的模拟和预测等核心问题展开研究。  相似文献   
There are many proposed and ongoing commercial, industrial, and residential developments within the Darwin Harbour catchment in Northern Australia, to accommodate the projected population growth over the next 20 years. Hence, it is necessary to ensure the balance between these developments and ecosystem conservation. We evaluated ecological risk for the Darwin Harbour using a relative risk model (RRM). The catchment was divided into 22 risk regions based on small catchment boundaries and their homogeneity. Through the RRM, we ranked and summed the stressors and habitats within regions. The interaction between stressors and habitats were modeled through exposure and effect filters. The ecological assessment endpoints were maintenance of the mangrove health and the maintenance of water quality. The risk regions—Myrmidon Creek, Blackmore River, Bleesers Creek, and Elizabeth River—showed the highest total relative risk for ecological assets. These risk regions had a high percentage cover of industrial, commercial, and residential areas; diffuse entry points; and climate change effects. Creek A, Sandy Creek, West Arm, and Pioneer Creek were the risk regions with lowest total relative risk scores. The RRM is a robust application that is suitable for a large geographic area where multiple stressors are of concern.  相似文献   
唐古拉山以北地区生态资产核算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生态系统核算可以为生态文明建设提供定量性的决策依据,包括生态资产核算和生态系统服务核算两个方面,生态资产指生产和提供生态系统产品和服务的生态系统。以唐古拉山以北地区(简称唐北地区)为研究对象对其生态资产进行了核算,建立生态资产实物量及变化核算表、损益表,提出了生态资产综合指数。2015年唐北地区草地生态资产面积为21800.01 km~2,其中良级比重最高达68.46%,湿地生态资产面积为4763.01 km~2,其中优级比例最高为59.72%,野生动植物共有138种,其中重点保护动物10种。2015年唐北地区生态资产综合指数为79.77,比2000年降低了3.60%。2000—2015年,湿地、草地生态资产分别增加了164.23、2.82 km~2。2000—2015年湿地生态资产存量增加202.90 km~2,其中由湿地恢复导致面积增加最大为200.50 km~2,存量减少38.63 km~2,其中湿地退化是导致存量减少的主要原因,面积为36.23 km~2,草地存量增加了39.18 km~2,主要是由于湿地退化导致的草地扩张,存量减少36.26 km~2,主要由湿地恢复和荒漠化引起。研究中不同生态资产质量等级的核算以及生态资产综合指数的提出利于生态资产的全面核算和比较,对于建立离任责任制、生态文明建设意义重大。  相似文献   
高寒草甸是青藏高原的主体植被类型,但退化态势较为严峻,严重威胁青藏高原生态屏障的战略地位。退化高寒草甸的复健是世界性难题,治理效果也因退化状态、恢复措施及气候环境而异。以春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育及翻耕改建等典型多途径恢复措施下的退化高寒草甸为对象,系统探讨主要生态要素和生态功能的响应特征及潜在过程。结果表明,典型恢复措施下退化高寒草甸的植被生产力、土壤有机碳密度及土壤饱和持水量等生态要素都得到一定程度的提升,而恢复效果与实施年限及恢复措施密切相关。围栏封育和翻耕改建下土壤有机碳密度及饱和持水量随恢复年限均表现为对数饱和型的响应特征,退化高寒草甸固碳持水功能的基本恢复年限约为6—10年。春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育等放牧管理恢复措施应适用于轻度退化至重度退化的高寒草甸,而翻耕改建则是极度退化高寒草甸的适宜治理措施。由于多途径恢复措施的关注目标不同,今后研究应集中在恢复措施的组合优化和综合评价等方面。  相似文献   
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